A few months ago, I wrote about the Coursera community, which was set up in October 2018.
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A few months ago, I wrote about the Coursera community, which was set up in October 2018.
Continue readingFor most of the world’s population, it is summer. Summer is a common time to take a vacation or holiday. It is also a time when some of us look to the future and start planning our next step in life.
If you want to progress in your career or transfer over to a new career, it can be tempting to dive into online education during your summer break. But, before you do, think of the benefits of taking a complete break instead. If it’s a difficult, in-depth course, you might remain as stressed as if you were still at work. You may even find the course more difficult than if you took it during the working year, putting pressure on yourself to study during your recovery time.
Continue readingThis year, 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a global action plan on physical activity, which can be downloaded from this WHO page. According to the document, one in every four adults in the world does not exercise as much as they should. Continue reading
My husband thought I was crazy taking the free course “Understanding Dementia”, produced independently by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania. Continue reading
Taking online courses or MOOCs can mean hours sitting in front of a computer or mobile device, which may not be very good for your health. Are there any courses that might help? Continue reading
When I retired from paid work in 2012, I thought I would be doing plenty of gardening, some handcrafts and reading. I also had visions of my house sparkling and tidy.
Five years on, most of the garden is again a wilderness and craft time is limited to crochet in front of the television in the evenings. As for that clean and tidy house, the less said, the better. Instead, I have spent many retirement hours completing 90 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and setting up my own blog. Continue reading
By Pat Bowden, published November 14, 2017.
Reader Steve Mackay asked: “It would be interesting for you to post your background and raison d’être for doing so many MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses). And indicating the good, the bad and the ugly.” Continue reading
By Pat Bowden, published October 10, 2017.
We don’t always need a reward for finishing tasks. Sometimes the self-satisfaction of completing a task can be its own reward. If you are having trouble with motivation, however, giving yourself rewards for making progress can help. Continue reading
By Pat Bowden, published June 27, 2017.
Your mind works best when it has access to nutritional food to feed your brain cells, exercise to keep the blood flowing optimally and sufficient rest so your brain can recover.
By Pat Bowden, published June 13, 2017.
If you are trying to improve your career prospects you may need to spend every possible minute working on your online study. You may miss out on other life experiences because you are so busy with your work as well as your study.