Time for a new focus

Time For a New Focus

In May 2017, while working on my 80th online course, I launched Online Learning Success with the aim of helping others succeed at learning online. Along the way, I have included learning strategies and reviewed courses while continuing to learn. I have a job in the field, and while I have completed another 44 courses, I am currently enrolled in many more unfinished ones. An advantage (or is it a disadvantage?) of working in the field, is that I frequently see information about interesting courses. I will be continuing my online learning journey for a while yet.

Regular readers will know that my posts have been less frequent in the last few months and I have decided it’s time to change my focus. I will no longer stress because I haven’t written a post for a few weeks. I may still write about learning online from time to time and there is no need to unsubscribe if you still want to hear from me. I will also continue to write for Class Central.

All past posts are available on Online Learning Success. Look through the monthly archives, make a keyword search, or select categories in the sidebar on the right.

You can still contact me using the Contact form or by email to patbowdenauthor(at)gmail(dot)com – replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

All the best for your online learning!

By Pat Bowden, published May 27, 2020.

3 thoughts on “Time For a New Focus

  1. Karen Carlson

    Thank you for all the work you’ve done! We all need to recognize when we’re done with one phase and ready to move on to something new. You don’t say what it will be, so I’m watching with interest… 🙂

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